Increase Blog Organic Traffic and Ranked Your Blog.! Check Out my New post

Increase Blog Organic Traffic and Ranked Your Blog.!

Today, the whole day went to blogging and writing articles cute dog. I am writing this article from 9 to noon.

However, let’s discuss the subject.

Many of us have blogs or websites. We all want our blog comes a lot of traffic. Ranking increase traffic to your blog and we do SEO. Today, I’ll share some tips from my experience, the use of which can increase your blog traffic and Ranking Let’s start from first.

Keyword Selections: Engina plenty of traffic from the search and get better quality if you have to choose the keywords. Based on keywords in the domain name from the title of the Web site is selected. You can find quality keywords, you can use the Google Keyword Tool.Please note that the time to choose keywords things.


  • The key-word search is entering the search several times engine.
  • The keywords have less competition with, but every day is a good amount of search.

When you see these things like you do not find the word


Domain Name:  The keywords that you have chosen the keywords to the top of the bar to buy a domain name. Say the issue is clear: this is what you feel like keywords, SEO Tutorial SEO term use inside of your domain name, it would be better if you use the term SEO Tutorial. Your keywords in your website or blog domain name if your blog or website will be easy to search engine early. Always try to tie Maine website or blog is to use keywords in domain name website or blog.


WordPress blog without needing any talk Nah!!

If you are thinking of blogging, WordPress (CMS) it is better to use. WordPress SEO friendly website can be a lot better quality. There are a lot of WordPress themes and plugins that use the extraordinary way you can customize your blog. There is little or no coding knowledge with WordPress they will be able to website. What the WordPress platform will discuss another day

Make Your Website SEO Friendly:

No matter as a nice web site, SEO friendly website that would be a lot of pain in your favor if you anyways rank increased. SEO friendly website that is not the way.

  • How select the title:
    All of the keywords you select will depend on the keywords you select the title of your web site. Your website’s main keyword in the title of your website use. No title should be much larger. On the website of the website’s category will title.
  • Homepage Keyword:
    No one in the text of your website’s home page link to your website, use the keyword. Footer is better to use the normal way. In the credit link in the footer at the use of your website’s main keywords.
  • About Site:
    Description of the time during the on-page SEO is to write. About 150 keywords in your website’s keywords in your website by using the multiple write about your website.
  • Social Bookmarking:
    Social networks are now contributing well to increase website’s traffic. The proper use of social networks on our website you can get a lot of traffic.
    Social bookmarks icons of the website can use this tool to be used anywhere. It’s not a short loading time walk anyways. I’ve used the right side of my blog, use, see if you can come and see. This simple but works well.
  • SEO Friendly Post/Article:
    Do you know of each blog article. There will be good quality articles on your blog as soon as you can increase traffic to your blog and ranka. Try writing a big article. No spelling mistakes, and this is kind of the wrong side of the note. So before  publish music by using this tool to see where your arikele Grammar wrong. At the end of this time the grammar checking tool
    Take a look at how they use your article totally unique. No mistakes in your article publish any profit.
  • SEO Friendly Images:
    When you upload images to your website or blog, then, the image of the name, image and to use the ALT Tag, depending on the image. You can get good amount of traffic from image search. So this kind of work in a small space to better use. Please try to create the images.
  • Sitemap:
    Create a site for your website or blog and your Web site’s main mepa where there upload files. You can use the Google XML Sitemap.
    Website or Blog with WordPress if you can use this plugin.
  • Site Designee:
    Your website design should be simple, and boats are a new visitor to your website can easily understand what’s where. Your website will load faster. Heavy out seance  slider or anything on the home page should be used anyways. All the blogs are too late to take the load of the blog No one likes a slow websites, Google wants to rank easily anyways.

Just follow these tips, you can be successful in my opinion the niyamiti. If any mistakes are the mistakes  eyes will see.

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Milan Tomic

Hi. I’m Designer of Blog Magic. I’m CEO/Founder of ThemeXpose. I’m Creative Art Director, Web Designer, UI/UX Designer, Interaction Designer, Industrial Designer, Web Developer, Business Enthusiast, StartUp Enthusiast, Speaker, Writer and Photographer. Inspired to make things looks better.

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